Wrong Nancy Price? See bottom of page.
I'm pleased you're visiting this web site, and I hope you'll feel at home.
On each page can be found a short summary of my works in the left column.
Touch the underlined portion of each work and you'll find an excerpt from the book.
On my WORKS page, I've given you a longer summary of each work, and you'll find the underlined link to the same selections here too.
You'll also find a short story of mine and a selection of some of my favorite poems.
Do you take part in classes, discussion groups or book clubs?
As my books become available, you'll find here a set of provocative questions about each of my works for your use, and a helpful reduction in the price of my books when ordered in numbers above five. When the books are newly printed, they can be ordered (and autographed for an additional $3. each) from Malmarie Press. Use the underlined link in the upper left of each page.
Are you a writer, or hope to be?
You'll find my DISCUSSION page has small suggestions I call "Writers' Tricks"--techniques I have found useful in my work on poems, stories and novels. I'll post new "Writers' Tricks" from time to time.
Feel free to ask questions—or give me your opinions--at my e-mail address.
To all those who love to read (and those who want to write, too), I say: "Welcome to this web site. We are all members of one great family, the Lovers of the Book."
If you are looking for Nancy Price the Executive Editor of Low Carb Energy Magazine (Lowcarbenergymagazine.com), PregnancyAndBaby.com, The SheKnows.com Network, Pregnancy & Baby (pregnancyandbaby.com),Everything Pregnancy(pregnancysearch.com), Showing! (pregnancyfashion.com), Everything Parenting (geoparent.com), Everything motherhood (myria.com), Everything food (chefmom.com) please go to the following website: